Sandy Castle International School

"Early Reader Smart Learner"

"Early Reader Smart Learner"

At Sandy Castle, we strongly believe in the potential of outdoor activities to develop a responsible child.

All our activities cuts across preschool and primary level children and are open to every child both from our school and neighboring schools.

Apart of standard framework of any educational curriculum, there are endless opportunities for children to learn new skills and ignite new passions through After School Clubs at Sandy Castle.

Extra Curricular Activities are a vital element in any child’s overall development.

They allow children to develop Physical, Social, Creative, Cognitive, Critical Thinking and Leadership skills.

It boosts children’s self confidence, hidden talents, growth mindset, team spirit and academic performance as well.

We offer Piano, Ballet, Capoeira, Football and Art-Craft clubs to our little ones which is scheduled after lunch-nap time as an after school clubs.