Sandy Castle International School

"Early Reader Smart Learner"

"Early Reader, Smart Learner"

“We discovered that education isn’t something a teacher does, but that it’s a Natural process
that develops spontaneously in the human being”

EYFS Curriculum supplemented by Montessori Methodology.

The EYFS describes this principle as: ‘Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and who can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured’.

The Philosophy of EYFS and Montessori are;

  • A Unique Child and Method of Teaching
  • Positive Relationship
  • Enabling Prepared Environment
  • Learning through Material Presentation

The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) & Montessori MethodologyLearning Area and Developmental Stages:

Prime Areas & Stages

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Practical Life
  • Sensorial

Specific Areas & Stages

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World (Science/ Culture & Geography)
  • Expressive Art and Design
  • The safeguarding and welfare requirements

Communication and Language


It helps children build language skills, vocabulary, self-expression and focuses on the following: Listening and attention; Understanding and Speaking.

Personal Social and Emotional Development:

Our children develop: Positive sense of themselves; Positive relationships; Respect for others; Learn to manage their feelings; Good attitude to learning and Good social skills.

Physical Development :

Our children: are active and interactive. They learn skills to develop their coordination, control and movement.

Practical Life

The exercises in practical life contains main four areas: Basic exercises, Care of self, Care of the environment and Grace & Courtesy. It has a purposeful activity, which develops motor control, coordination, independence, concentration, and a sense of responsibility.

Sensorial Activities

These activities are used in Montessori to help children in visual discrimination, order and refining the five senses. Sensorial materials focus on visual perception, tactile impressions, auditory sense, olfactory and taste perception. This activity includes matching and grading exercise.

Make healthy choices in relation to food; Know and follow the importance of exercise to keep healthy and they move and handle objects to show dexterity.


Our children learn to: link sounds and letters; Begin to read and write; Begin Creative Writing; Comprehension; Access to a wide range of reading materials. We also run a rich Phonics programme for reading fluency.

Mathematics :

The children have opportunities to develop their skills in: counting using numbers; Calculating simple addition; Solving subtraction problems; Describe shapes, space and measures and Learn to use mathematical terms.

Understanding the World : Science/Culture & Geography

Children learn the advanced subjects like Botany, Zoology, and Science on basic level with experiments in their Natural Environment. They also explore all different areas of the world such as continents, countries, flags, land and water forms, people, communities, the technology, physical world etc

Expressive Arts and Designs:

Children learn about: Media and materials; they get to do activities in art, music; dance; role play and being imaginative.