Sandy Castle International School

"Early Reader Smart Learner"

"Early Reader, Smart Learner"

Children aged three to five are sensorial explorers that are constantly building their knowledge of the world by absorbing every aspect of their environment.

Our EYFS and Montessori Methodology  caters to the specific needs of this age group by fulfilling their innate desire to learn through direct sensory experiences with self-teaching materials. In this age group, children choose their own tasks and work independently at their own pace, under the gentle guidance of a trained teacher.

The focus of the EYFS and Montessori Methodology is to prepare children for school and help them to develop independence, responsible, fully concentrated, strong sense of self, self-motivation, and a love of learning.

Practical Life

The exercises in practical life contains main four areas: Basic exercises, Care of self, Care of the environment and Grace & Courtesy. It has a purposeful activity which develops motor control, coordination, independence, concentration, and a sense of responsibility.

Sensorial Activities

These activities are used in Montessori to help children in visual discrimination, order and refining the five senses. Sensorial materials focus on visual perception, tactile impressions, auditory sense, olfactory and taste perception. This activityincludes matching and grading exercise.

Language Development

It begins with oral lessons and phonetic sound learning which lead to early literacy skills [Reading & Writing]. We provide language-oriented games and activities to build strong grounds for language acquisition.

Sequenced Phonetic Reading Program

It has a progression Primary phonetic reading book and workbook sets which is interlinked with Montessori materials. This reading program has a systematic approach of entire phonetic code as well as most effective spelling strategies.

Math and Cognition:

The sensorial materials are indirect preparation of Mathematic aspects like exploring shapes, size – degrees, weight, capacity etc. It teaches Number formation with quantities and function of decimal system as well as addition, subtraction, multiplication and division working with materials.

Basic Lessons of Science/Culture & Geography

Children explore all different areas of the world such as living and non-living, five senses, floating-sinking, parts of a plant/flower/leaf and animals, the human body etc, through materials and in natural environment which sparks curiosity.

Montessori Program Goals

  • Provide an advanced academic learning environment in which children progress according to their level but not age.
  • Children become early readers by age of three with help of pre-reading and writing skill development programs.
  • Introduce Montessori materials presentation to build strong foundation and make concept clear for all new early childhood aspects of learning.
  • Foster the growth of functional independence, concentration, and self-correction.
  • Promote social development through respectful and clear communication.
  • Refine sensory perception, the development of literacy and mathematical understanding.
  • Foster the development of communication, creativity, collaboration and critical thinking skills.
  • Provide interlinked academic support material like workbooks for practice and Sequenced phonetic reading books.
  • Offer opportunities for imaginative exploration, leading to confident, creative self-expression.
  • Prepare children with the skills and experience they need to succeed at school and beyo.